2019年3月2日 星期六


題目:Build a top level vi, shows the temperature values got from thermometer.vi with a waveform chart in continuous run mode. On the panel, user can select the display of temperature scale in Celsius or Fahrenheit and summer or winter mode with different upper/lower bounds hard coded inside the program (set appropriate values on your own) .


 Block digram 

1. 有兩種布林的選擇,swutch和season,所以我們使用select物件,物件的中間連結布林(例如:連結switch)物件上方連結如果True的時候,要進行的動作;物件下方連結如果False的時候,要進行的動作
2.concentrate string 是在集結顯示的字串
3.number to fractional string 是把數字轉成字串
Front Panel


題目:Build a subvi named thermometer.vi, which randomly output a Celsius temperature value in between the lower and upper bound set with input parameters of lower bound value, and upper bound value (2 inputs and 1 output)

TIPS : 輸出亂數=(上限-下限)*亂數+下限

Block digram 

Front Panel